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2009-05-10 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (04-10.05.2009)
Last week prices of the majority of vegetables was much fluctuated and prices of apples intended for export were still increasing. It was growth by about 10 % week-on-week. The demand for apples
2009-05-03 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (27.04-03.05.2009)
During the last days of April on fruit and vegetable markets one could observe recent trends The important factor influences prices is the weather. Warm and sunny days have returned recently and
2009-04-28 00:00:00
Poland: decline in prices of bananas
The prices of bananas imported from Ecuador have been decreasing for several weeks. The highest price bananas reached in March and it was even above 110 PLN (24 euro)/18 kg. In April the price
2009-04-26 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (20-26.04.2009)
Last week the upward trend in prices of apples was continued. The price of Idared 70 +, in cartons was to 1.50 PLN (0.33 euro)/kg. The price of other red varieties 70 + was about 1.35 PLN (0.30
2009-04-18 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (14-19.04.2009)
The week after Easter started with low movement on the fruit and vegetable markets. Turnover was low and prices were stable. However at the end of the week the movement was bigger and the
2009-04-15 00:00:00
Prices of bananas slightly decreased
On Tuesday, April 14 on the wholesale market the prices of bananas imported from Ecuador was lower than before Easter. The price was 95 PLN (21.79 euro)/18 kg i.e. by 5 PLN (1.15 euro) lower than
2009-04-14 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (06-12.04.2009)
Before the Easter the price situation on the market of fresh fruit and vegetables was influenced, similarly as during the previous week, by decreasing supply of domestic last year’s crop
2009-04-07 00:00:00
Poland: prices of imported fruit
On Monday, 6 April on the wholesale market in Bronisze prices of imported fruit didn't differ markedly from the prices of last week. However one could observe increase in price of bananas from
2009-04-05 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (30.03-05.04.2009)
As regards price situation last week didn’t bring any surprises on the market of fresh fruit and vegetables. The most important factors which had the impact on prices of fruit and vegetables
2009-03-31 00:00:00
Prices of citruses and bananas
On Monday, 30 March the price of mandarins was higher week-on-week. On the market there is less and less of mandarins. The price of mandarins (loose) from Spain was 5.50 – 5.60 (1.16-1.19
2009-03-22 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (16-22.03.2009)
The most essential information from fresh fruit and vegetables market is a rise in prices of apples intended for export as well as growing prices of some domestic vegetables caused by their
2009-03-17 00:00:00
On the Polish market the price of bananas stabilized
After a period of growing prices of bananas, their prices stabilized. On Monday, 16 March the price of bananas from Ecuador was at the same level what last week 110 PLN (24.50 euro)/18 kg. At
2009-03-15 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (09-15.03.2009)
In the second week of March, on the market of fresh fruit and vegetables, one could observe similar trends as at the beginning of the month. As regards the export of apples it was stable prices at
2009-03-10 00:00:00
Growing prices of bananas
At the moment on the Polish market the price of bananas is increasing every day. On Monday, 9 March the price of bananas was 110 PLN (23.25 euro)/18 kg, i.e. by 15 PLN (3.17 euro) more than at the
2009-03-08 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (02-08.03.2009)
In the first week of March prices of both domestic vegetables and imported fruit and vegetables were changing. The prices of most products increased. On the contrary the prices of apples intended
2009-03-03 00:00:00
Growing prices of bananas on Polish market
The prices of bananas increased last days. On Monday, 2 March the wholesale price of bananas from Ecuador was 95 PLN (euro)/18 kg. According to importers the reason is too low supply not meeting
2009-02-25 00:00:00
Prices of imported fruit
On Tuesday, 24 February on the wholesale market in Bronisze the prices of imported fruit were as follows: to 5.70 PLN (1.22 euro)/kg for Spanish mandarins, from 3.00 PLN (0.64 euro)/kg for
2009-02-09 00:00:00
Weakness of the zloty influence the import
On the wholesale markets prices of imported fruit and vegetables started growing as a result of weakening zloty against the dollar and the euro. On the wholesale market in Poznań prices of
2009-01-27 00:00:00
Bananas: import forecast between January and March 2009
At the present the import of bananas is in its high season. In next months the following countries will be the leading exporters of bananas to Poland: Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, and from
2009-01-19 00:00:00
Bananas on the Polish market
While Europe is trying to limit the import of bananas from Latin America countries, Poland imported about 1.7 thousand t of bananas from Ecuador and Costa Rica at the beginning of the year. We
2008-12-01 00:00:00
Higher import of southern fruit
According to the newest forecasts of IERiGŻ-PIB much higher import of almost all southern fruit is expected in season 2008/2009 (mainly citrus fruit, kiwi fruit, watermelon and grapes). Prices
2008-05-27 00:00:00
Expensive bananas at the wholesale market in Elbląg
At the wholesale market in Elbląg wholesale prices of bananas from Ecuador (1st class, packed in 18 kg boxes) are one of the most expensive in Poland and reached 1.18 – 1.24 EUR/kg. In